Course curriculum

  • 01

    Getting Started - Critical Resources

    • WSET Level 4 Diploma In Wines Specification

    • Tasting Exam Guidance

    • Theory Exam Guidance

    • WSET Level 4 Diploma In Wines Systematic Approach to Tasting Wine

    • Examiners' Report for January 2020 Examinations

    • IWEG Diploma Video Series - Tasting Guidance "Introduction to L4 Tasting" with Peter Wearing, DipWSET

    • Examiner's Reports January 2021

    • Examiner's Reports May and June 2021

    • Examiners' Report for October 2021

    • Diploma assessment format guidance

  • 02

    D1 Wine Production

    • D1 REQUIRED READING - NEW! August 2023

    • Copy of Presentation "The Growing Environment"

    • Copy of Presentation "Grape Growing Options"

    • Copy of Presentation "Common Winemaking Options"

    • Copy of Presentation "White Wine Making Options"

    • Copy of Presentation "Red and Rose Wine Making Options"

    • Handout - White Wine Making Options

    • Handout - Red and Rose Winemaking Options

    • D1 Mock Theory Examination

    • Welcome to Diploma at IWEG | Getting Started

  • 03

    D2 Wine Business

    • D2 REQUIRED READING - NEW! August 2023

    • Copy of Presentation "Factors That Contribute To The Price Of Wine"

    • Copy of Presentation "Businesses Engaged In Wine Production"

    • Copy of Presentation "Key Considerations in Wine Marketing"

    • D2 Mock Theory Examination

  • 04

    D3 Wines of the World

    • D3 REQUIRED READING - NEW! August 2023

    • Bordeaux Part 1 Presentation

    • Bordeaux Part 2 Presentation

    • White Wines Of Burgundy Presentation

    • Red Wines Of Burgundy Presentation

    • Intro To Rhône Valley N Rhône Presentation

    • Southern Rhône Presentation

    • South of France Presentation

    • The Loire Valley Presentation

    • Beaujolais Presentation

    • Jura And South West France Presentation

    • Alsace Presentation

    • Germany 1 Presentation

    • Germany 2 Presentation

    • Austria Presentation

    • Greece And Hungary Presentation

    • Intro Italy NW Italy Presentation

    • NE Italy Presentation

    • Tuscany And Umbria Presentation

    • Central And Southern Italy Presentation

    • Spain 1 Intro And White Wines Presentation

    • Spain 2 Red Wines Presentation

    • Portugal Presentation

    • California 1 Presentation

    • California 2 Presentation

    • Oregon Washington NY Canada Presentation

    • Chile Presentation

    • Argentina Presentation

    • Australia 1 Presentation

    • Australia 2 Presentation

    • New Zealand Presentation

    • South Africa Presentation

    • China Presentation

  • 05

    D4 Sparkling Wines

    • D4 REQUIRED READING - NEW! August 2023

    • Copy of Presentation "Traditional Method Sparkling Wines"

    • Copy of Presentation "Champagne"

    • Copy of Presentation "Rose and other Traditional Method Sparkling Wines"

    • Copy of Presentation "Tank, Ancestral, Pet Nat Sparkling Wines"

    • D4 Mock Examination

  • 06

    D5 Fortified Wines

    • D5 REQUIRED READING - NEW! August 2023

    • Copy of Presentation "Fortification and Maturation Options"

    • Copy of Presentation "Production of Sherry"

    • Copy of Presentation "Sherry Styles"

    • Copy of Presentation "Port Production: Ruby and Vintage"

    • Copy of Presentation "Port Production: White and Tawny"

    • Copy of Presentation "Madeira"

    • Copy of Presentation "VDNs and Rutherglen Muscat"

    • D5 Mock Examination

  • 07

    D6 Research Assignment

    • D6 Research Assignment Guidance - NEW! August 2023

    • D6 Research Assignment Cover Sheet

    • Important Note on D6: Research Assignment Unit

  • 08

    Diploma Course and Exam Assessment Schedules

    • Provisional Course Schedule Now Available!

    • 2024-2026 Diploma In-Class Schedule